C03502 降钙素原单抗 PCT-mAb (Mouse)




Monoclonal Mouse Antibody



Molecular Mass:

150 kDa

Expression Host:

HEK293 cells


Purified, Liquid


Phosphate Buffered Saline,5%mannital,0.05% Tween20, pH7.4


>95% pure (SDS-PAGE). 


For long term storage, the product should be stored at -20°C or lower.


Please avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.





Procalcitonin (PCT) is the 116 amino acid precursor of the hormone calcitonin, produced by the C cells of the thyroid. In health, this is the only tissue able to transcribe and translate the PCT gene (CALC-1). The transcript is quickly cleaved into three products: katacalcin, calcitonin and an N terminal fragment.Only a small amount of PCT is released into the general circulation such that in health concentrations are <0.05 ng/L. In the presence of bacterial infection, however, PCT production is activated in all parenchymal tissues and concentrations rapidly increase (these tissues lack the ability to cleave PCT).Mediators of viral infection (interferon-gamma) attenuate PCT levels, making it a more specific marker of bacterial infection. PCT is detectable within 2-4 hours of infection, peaks at 6 hours and maintained a plateau through 8 and 24 hours before they began to drop. It is degraded by proteolysis with renal excretion playing only a minor route.

The main indication for PCT measurement is to aid in the diagnosis of bacterial infection and as a marker to guide antibiotic therapy. PCT is considered a specific biomarker for bacterial infection and has several benefits. As with any other biomarker, interpretation must be made with reference to patient’s clinical context. PCT measurement may help with the decision to initiate antibiotic therapy in low risk acuity of infection. Evidence for PCT-guided antibiotic therapy is strongest for de-escalation of antibiotic therapy in patients with sepsis or high-risk infection.




图 降钙素原分子的加工










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